2nd International Workshop on Brillouin Scattering

The 2nd International Workshop on Brillouin Scattering will be held in Rome from the 3rd to the 5th of February 2016. The general subjects to be discussed during the three days are:

  • THz excitations in disordered condensed matter and in biological and magnetic systems
  • Neutron and photon inelastic scattering at low Q
  • Simulation and Modelling
  • Instrumentation
  • Perspectives in Brillouin scattering

Registration is now open at http://brillouin2016.iom.cnr.it, where you can find all information relevant to attend the workshop and the procedure to submit a contribution.We will also be grateful if you spread the announcement of the Workshop to your colleagues, especially the young ones, who might be interested.

For any additional inquiry, you may refer to the workshop secretariat (Brillouin2016@iom.cnr.it).


A. De Francesco & F. Formisano – CNR-IOM, Grenoble
S. Bellissima & E. Guarini – Università di Firenze
U. Bafile – CNR-ISC, Firenze
G. Ruocco – Sapienza Università di Roma
M. Brutti & V. Cvelbar – CNR-IOM, Trieste
R. De Donatis – CNR-SPIN, Genova